In Hesse, the contact restrictions due to the corona pandemic are already in force until the end of the Easter holidays. Now this applies nationwide. Minister President Bouffier appealed to follow the regulations – „even if the weather is fine“.

As of now, the following applies in Hesse: Anyone who ignores the ban on contact and other rules of conduct during the Corona crisis will pay dearly. The Hessian state government has issued a catalog of fines that provides for penalties of between 200 and 5000 euros.

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Particularly serious violations of the rules of conduct in the fight against the coronavirus can even be reported as criminal offenses. The fines vary according to the severity of the offense.

Coronavirus Penalties in Hesse, Germany

Corona fine in Hesse: 200 Euro fine for participation in sports activities

The standard fine of 200 euros is payable in Hesse for violations of the following coronavirus rules of conduct:

  • Meetings and gatherings in public of more than two persons (exception: families or domestic community), per participant
  • Participation in a meeting or perception of tourist and cultural offers of any kind and other sports activities
  • Failure to comply with the specifications on hygiene measures (e.g. in hospitals or nursing homes) or the unauthorised entry of such facilities through visits

High fine for organizing cultural events

The standard fine of 500 euros is due in Hesse for violations of the following coronavirus rules of conduct:

  • Violation of the quarantine order for travel returnees from risk areas

The standard rate of 200 to 1.000 euros in fines is payable in Hessen for violations of the following coronavirus codes of conduct:

  • Organizing meetings, tourist and cultural offers of any kind and other sports activities
  • Failure to comply with the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute and the safety precautions with regard to the distance requirement or failure to comply with the prescribed safety precautions This concerns, for example, the management of a company

Restaurants that are open risk being fined thousands of euros

The standard rate of 500 to 5.000 euros fine is due in Hesse for violations of the following coronavirus rules of conduct:

  • Violation of the requirement to close and discontinue facilities, businesses, meeting places or corresponding offers
  • breach of the prohibition on hospitality
  • Unauthorised offering of overnight stays

Violations of protective measures against coronavirus: What is the current situation in Hessen?

Strict controls are already taking place in Hesse to ensure compliance with corona protection measures. For example, the police are monitoring the nationwide ban on contact in parks, playgrounds, sports fields, and restaurants. However, there are currently no possibilities to actually punish offenses.

So far, the police are mainly relying on clarifying discussions and, if necessary, can issue reprimands. A fine for offenses is not yet due. After initial difficulties with exit restrictions and contact bans, the cities in Hesse are now hardly registering any major offenses.

„Anyone who continues to behave in such an unsolidary manner and arranges to play football in the park or secretly celebrates Corona parties is endangering the lives of his fellow human beings,“ the ministers announced. However, the vast majority of the population has so far complied with the necessary restrictions in everyday life. The state government wanted to publish the complete Corona fine catalogue under

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